Wipe off the accumulated dust!

This is a great new year 2012 because it is filled with unprecedented opportunities to shine, thrive and live a lifestyle of your own making. Well, I wish all my readers a happy new year. This is the first week article and I hope you enjoy reading it.

This morning I was washing clothes and out of nowhere a thought emerged in my mind. I asked myself a question, why do people wash clothes when they get dirty or why do we wipe off the dust from the table or chairs? Why do we want to get rid of them? The reason is very obvious. Of course we want to wear cleaned clothes or use cleaned table or chairs. If there is dust on the chair, we normally dust off and sit. We normally don’t sit on the dust or we don’t wear the dirty clothes.

This put me into thinking that we don’t tolerate the uncleaned/dirty things and of course nobody does that for sure but we all fail to clean or dust off our bad habits, unforgiving hearts, irritation, anger, jealousy, hatred, quarrel and ill feelings. We don’t get rid of them  instantly. Instead, we wear them all the time, through out the day or month or years. We don’t mind wearing them unlike the unwashed clothes. We find it easy to cover up things or hide it from others by putting on cleaned clothes.

Just like we wash the dirty clothes so that we can look nice when we wear them, likewise, we must also wash ourselves too. We must get rid of our ill feelings, anger, envy, hatred etc. It would be an excellent idea to shed off old habits that don’t bear good fruits,

Another point that I would like to make here is that when we make mistakes, we feel bad. Why should we fret so much about it. Just like the new dress that gets dirty, same we get dirty by making mistakes. Mistakes haven’t belittled or harmed us. The mistakes have only made us dirty for a short time not permanently. We can clean our mistakes by learning some wonderful lessons. It is naive to ask, why do I make a mistake? It is like asking, why does clothes get dirty? Clothes get dirty because that is how it is supposed to be.

We live in this world and we are expected to dirty our hands but we shouldn’t continue to remain in dirt. We should clean and wash ourselves all the time. By becoming dirty you don’t become dirty for eternity. It is for short period. Remember, if you make a mistake, learn the lessons that you are supposed to and don’t have guilt feeling about it.

It is important to wipe off the accumulated dust that has been settled for months, years and lifetime. Do the laundry symbolically to wash off and renew your inner soul. You will feel rejuvenated and refreshed. You will have the wonderful experience of resurrection – becoming new again.

Alwed Ekka

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