Let’s Educate Everybody!

Education has been a tool for centuries and it was guarded with great care. Only a few really had the access to good education while others were considered to be slaves and ignorant, not fit for learning. Even in this 21st century, the same situation and attitude exist among human beings. The education is reaching to those who can afford it by paying high fees. Why not educate everybody instead of a few?

Let’s educate everybody how the present economic systems works and functioning all over the world. If everybody knows about the status of present economic system, the majority of people will never approve the present style of economic system. The masses will oppose and won’t support it because it doesn’t take care of everybody. Many people are ignorant how money is printed, transferred, charged interest and invested. If people knew about the reality behind the banking systems then people will never vote for the political leaders who are part of the conspiracy theories.

Let’s educate people about food, resources and other needful things in order to survive on this earth. There is enough food production, resources and other needful things but the present economic systems create lack and scarcity to scare the people in general of not enough. The available food production can feed everybody for 5 years even without producing further. It is the profit based market economy that is causing inflation, recession and depression.

Let’s educate everybody about the health issues and medicines. Medicines actually don’t cure the diseases. Medicines only postpone the death day by allowing the sick to live for few more years. Medicines only harm the natural immune system and kill the cells that keep a person alive. In my view, a tree saves life, it nurtures the life and maintains the human existence on earth because it gives clean air. It is better that we should know about ideas behind the marketing of pharmaceutical medicines. They are there in the market for profits and profits don’t guarantee the continuation of life.

Let’s educate everybody that manufacturing weapons, bombs and engaging in wars are not of human nature. Fighting and quarrelling come from inside the mind of people no doubt but it can never be approved. Bombs won’t threaten life, but they do create a massive destruction on this earth. So we should never manufacture weapons to kill people rather we should innovate weapons to feed people and sustain living beings on this earth.

Finally let’s educate everybody that loving, understanding, caring, helping, guiding, teaching, leading towards right path and doing good things are the real objectives of human existence. We must adhere to the purpose and mission to live peacefully, abundantly, freely and truthfully. Let’s educate everybody in all aspects of human civilization and endeavor. Let’s be a better human civilized world today.

Alwed Ekka

Be An Active Learner And Not A Passive Learner!

Each individual is blessed with unique set of talents, skills and abilities. These abilities can be further developed potentially if the individual assumes the responsibility of learning the stuff by actively involving himself/herself. Being an active learner is the best thing that an individual can taken upon himself. Passive learning has no depth and strength. It is therefore desirable to be always an active learner.

My son is two and half years of age and I am proud to see him involve actively in exploring, learning, questioning and knowing things by himself. My son is learning many things because he is involved in the process actively and it is a great way of imparting education to children. He holds the toys and admires it, throws the ball, breaks the stuff, fixes the broken pieces, scribbles on the walls and papers and repeats the rhymes, says the alphabet and recognizes the animals, plants, colours, flowers and many other objects. All these things are possible for him to do because he is an active learner. He learns himself by his beautiful senses because all of them are involved actively in the process. This is how the adults should learn as well as the grown up children.

I am afraid, as my son would grow up and join the institutionalized schools and colleges, he might be discouraged to continue his active learning style. The schools and colleges don’t really appreciate the active learning style rather they encourage the students to learn passively. Here there is not much participation of students. Everything is ready made and fed to the students’ brains. This passive mode of learning is not a better choice because it cripples the able person from learning and growing.

When I was studying philosophy the professors always gave ready made ideas, concepts, knowledge and wisdom of other well-known philosophers. They expected the students to learn by heart those concepts and vomit them out during the exam. It was purely an exam centric study and an absolute passive learning style bored and tired me so much. There were no new ways of looking at the reality and the world. Those already discovered notions, concepts and ideas stood like the fundamental principles or dogmas and that couldn’t be changed. On the other hand, I wanted to rethink, rediscover, re-analyse the concepts and re-look the existing reality from a new perspective but were not encouraged to add new ones because being a student I couldn’t think or figure out new concepts and notions. It is important to be an active learner today because you will learn more and there is a great depth and strength.

These days children are made to learn things passively. The system doesn’t allow them to learn actively. This is a sad phenomena and if it continues it is not good for the future generation. Albert Einstein as a child was a slow learner. He couldn’t do better academically in the beginning but when he persisted his active learning style, he emerged victorious, genius and great. This is what an active learning style could do to an individual if they really learn to embrace it. Bill Gates pursued and did things actively as a result he could transform his own life. So did Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Thomas Edison and many others. Active learning frees one’s ignorance and gives freedom.

It is therefore important that you become an active learner than a passive learner. If you want to be an extraordinary human being, you must follow active learning style. Don’t remain passive. Be active and do something that you find catchy and interesting.

Alwed Ekka

Choose Real Education Over Pure Entertainment!

They say, technology breakthrough has provided mankind wings to fly and wheels to run and besides it has also given them entertainment machines to kill their valuable time. These days people want first entertainment over real education. They seek entertaining shows more than the books, seminars or education that could enlighten their minds. It is a problem of choice and people have been misled by the fancy and the superficial lifestyle. What can a man do when he comes home tired from day’s work- watch TV, seek entertainment over education.

It is about this that I would like to discuss in brief. The film industries, TV programs and other feature films have become a huge success today all over the world that the actors and actresses, producers and directors are enjoying the great profit margins. Who pays for these feature films and TV shows? It is obviously the viewers who choose blindly pure entertainment over real education. Those who are associated with film production and marketing are enjoying great lifestyles but those who view them purely as entertaining agents are the losers and failures. Those who watch these programs don’t mind giving their precious time away to such shows which don’t add any value to human growth instead they only conspire to keep people tied emotionally and mentally ignorant.

I have come across these days children addicted to playing computer games. There are different kinds of games mostly entertaining and fun than educational in character. The educational characters don’t seem to be interesting because of the poor choice people have learned to make over the years. These children play computer games but they don’t gain much in life. Yes they do get entertained and they help the gaming companies to make profits. Parents expect their children to pursue their interests and hobbies so that in turn it could add values to their lives. But it isn’t so. Children neither pursue their special interests nor do they study well academically. Down the road, their future earning capacity could be jeopardized if they don’t learn to make a proper choice between entertainment and education.

Learning and education will set you free if you take upon yourself the responsibility to teach rather than while away your precious time. I am sure learning will improve one’s life more than entertaining. Even those whose job is to entertain and make films and shows do learn and educate themselves otherwise they won’t make a living. But the viewers don’t really make a wise choice between entertainment and learning. Make a wise choice to educate yourself; choose real education over pure entertainment. Draw a fine line and limit your exposure to the pure entertainment because it won’t fill your pocket.

Alwed Ekka