Teach Yourself New Rules Of Money!

Majority of students or people are well aware of the old rules of money, which schools and colleges teach students every day. Robert Kiyosaki in his book “Rich Dad And Poor Dad” mentioned that schools and colleges give students only old rules of money like ‘go to school, get a good job, buy a house, save money and invest in diversified mutual fund portfolios.’  This old rule of money doesn’t correspond to the new rule of economy. So it is important that you teach yourself about the new rules of modern economic system.

The other day I was just thinking what could be the new rules of money in the modern economy, which schools and colleges are not imparting the students. I came up with the following ideas and I hope they open up your mind.

1. Attend seminars and workshops instead of going to schools and colleges.

Many people are financial ignorant and they don’t have accurate financial education because they didn’t learn anything about money. The schools and colleges failed to provide real financial education. Instead, schools and colleges helped people only to find jobs and work for money. What you need to do is to teach yourself to attend the seminars and workshops that are conducted throughout the cities and towns. You will learn more in seminars than you learn in schools and colleges. I see many parents sending their kids to schools and colleges spending huge sums of money for their children’s education thinking that they are helping their children to get best education. They forget the reality that a new trend has come in and there are new rules of money. The new rules of money will help people more than the old rules of earning money today. It is advisable that you seek education, mainly financial education through attending live seminars or listening to recorded programs. This way you can be well informed and happy to live a better life.

2. Embrace Personal Development.

Many people don’t develop themselves even though they study in premier schools and colleges. Their level of personal growth is limited that they hardly feel necessary to educate themselves in areas that could make them qualified and equipped. You must embrace personal development process so that you can become a qualified and attractive person to attract any success that you want in life. Developing oneself and thereby becoming a qualified person is the new rule for success in this new economy. You got to continuously succeed in becoming a well refined person to attract success that you are looking for. Schools and colleges don’t qualify you to succeed in life rather they qualify you to get a job. Personal development will provide you what you need to succeed in life and lead a better lifestyle. Personal development will make you  an enterprising person.

3. Start your own businesses by learning about entrepreneurship.

Schools and colleges don’t teach people to be business owners instead they teach you how to get jobs and how to work for others. Working for others is not a cup of tea for everybody. So if you want to own your businesses, you must better teach yourself about enterprise and this will give you freedom and assist you to have your own lifestyle. Entrepreneurship is the new rule of money which can give you financial abundance if you learn well the strategies and secrets. Learn to start your own businesses to realize your dreams. Learn from famous and successful entrepreneurs who made big and achieved big. They are big because they have accomplished big by owning their own businesses and you can too do the same.

4. Acquire and build only assets that bring in cash into your pocket.

Many people are rich and successful even after their retirement because of one reason, they have acquired assets that bring in cash into their pocket. Schools and colleges don’t teach people to acquire assets that bring in money instead they teach about liabilities that take money out of their pockets. So in the new economy, the new rule of acquiring asset is very important and you must make a point to build your own asset base and not liabilities. Look around you who have acquired assets that bring them constant cashflow and learn from them.

5. Invest and circulate money.

Teach yourself to invest wisely because you must never lose your money and at the same time you must never save your money in a traditional sense because today what you save is not money rather it is a debt so you lose if you save the debt money. Instead what you can do is to circulate the money. Let it move around and go to other people so that it will bring you more in returns. I am sure you can invest your money in investment vehicles where you will have more control over the portfolio. Try not to hoard your money in saving accounts because it is not helping you much. Invest and circulate your money than to save it safely.

These are some of the new rules of money and if you follow them accordingly they can help you figure out ways to provide you enough returns. I am sure you can teach yourself the new rules of money to reap the future benefits.  Teach yourself to attend the seminars to learn about financial matters, personal development, business, investment, network marketing, assets and good debts. Follow these new rules and you will shine in this new economy.

Alwed Ekka


Educate Yourself To Take Care Of Your Health Well!

“Health is not valued till sickness comes.” Dr. Thomas Fuller

According to some research and experts, many people don’t know how to take care of their health well. Learning to take care of one’s health is very important today in this changing world where all kinds of foods and temptations are available. Many people don’t eat what they should actually consume. They forgo what is good for health and consume what is bad for health. It seems that taking care of one’s health is an adventurous journey.

Yesterday, I consumed some food, which I thought was good for me but it turned out to be bad for my health. Once I fell sick, I thought I should not have eaten it. But there is nothing one could do when one has consumed the wrong stuff than to endure the mistake. Be careful what you eat and eat what is healthy for you. With fast foods around the corner, one has no other choice than to fall prey to these instant foods which are so alluring yet can be fatal to one’s health. It is therefore important to choose and eat healthy stuff so that we can take care of our health well.

Today it has become a great challenge for people to take care of themselves well. It is not so easy though there are advanced medical health services around the world. It appears that more and more people are suffering from various diseases which wouldn’t have happened if people had taken well care of themselves. With little disciplines and practices of good habits people could easily stay healthy throughout their lives provided they are ready to stay fit and be firm in the choice of consuming right stuffs.

These days people have learned to smoke well, drink alcohol well, consume nicotine and use drugs for the sole purpose of entertainment and fun but they haven’t educated themselves about eating and taking care of their health. Health is not taught in the schools and colleges. It is a sad part of the reality that so many children are victims of many diseases at early age itself. The government has placed health care facility to help people to be healthy but it is not educating the children who would become adult patients if they continue to neglect their health.

The world is full of chemicals and today we are consuming chemicals all the time. These chemicals are filled with toxins and they are poisonous. The bottled water is considered to be safe and clean but due to the presence of chemicals, it doesn’t qualify to be healthy but people drink it any way. Many medicines have so much side effects that hardly one is cured of their illness. When one disease is cured, another disease is born after the use of a prescribed medicine because it has severe negative side effects. In reality, when one falls sick by any case, it is like a flat tyre which can’t be guaranteed to be all new and strong. When people fall sick they have less time to correct their original immune system. It becomes a hard job to restore the original human immunity.

Many people are ignorant about health issues and as a result they fall sick. If these people had a good health education, then surely many diseases could be avoided and prevented. Every day thousands of people visit doctors to consult about their health conditions and they expect the doctors to educate them but doctors have no much time to educate people. When you consult them, they try to finish the process of examination short and unclear because they have another patient to attend to as a result they do the diagnosis quickly. It takes less than five minutes to consult the doctor and there is not much time to clarify some doubts.  Who must be responsible to educate oneself to take care of one’s health? It is obviously, each individual must be responsible to take care of one’s health.

I am neither a physician and nor an expert in giving advice to people. I don’t qualify to teach people about health. My purpose of writing this article is just to make people educated about the importance of staying healthy and taking care of oneself. Nobody is going to live your life and nobody is going to teach you how to stay healthy and take care of yourself other than you. So it is better if you consider enough to educate yourself so that your health will be good and you will live your life happily. What is good for me and what works well for me in order to stay healthy may not serve you so you must educate and learn what is best for you.

Alwed Ekka



Are You Ready To Educate Yourself?

“When the student is ready, the master appears.” ~Buddhist Proverb

Human curiosity never dies. Once Curiosity is planted in a student, the student can continue the learning process as long as he/she lives. However a student must be ready to educate himself/herself. The question we need to ask here is, are you ready to educate yourself as long as you exist on this earth?

What to learn? How to learn? When to learn and where to learn? are some interesting questions that arise in mind but there is nothing to fear. Things will become clear for you once you are ready and willing to learn because there are so many things that need to be standardized, upgraded and polished that you require a constant learning process. Without continuous learning, things can’t be seen from new perspective and angles. To innovate new ideas and ways, one needs to educate himself/herself. Above all one has to be ready to teach and learn.

After graduating the university, I thought I finished my education and learning. There was nothing else to learn. But soon, when I joined the workforce, the company and began my 9-5 job, I realized I had to learn about completely new things, which I didn’t learn in schools and colleges. It was a new challenge for me to upgrade my skills and sharpen my learning style.

For the first time, a new awakening arose in me and as a result I was ready and willing to invest my time, energy and money. It was worth learning once again. I taught myself how to read books, any books and I taught how to listen to audio and attend seminars and conduct workshop or give presentation and speech. All these skills I had to learn from scratch and I am happy I didn’t learn this during my university studies. I would have missed the fun.

While working for somebody for a paycheck was hard and I didn’t like it. I didn’t want my employers to curb my capacity to earn more. So I decided to learn and educate myself more and more in areas I was passionate about. It paid me and worked in my favor. I became more qualified and educated by myself. I remember Earl Nightingale’s quote, “The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!”

If you understand that you employ yourself by becoming a qualified person then you will make sure you will learn all that it takes to be successful in life. Employers can’t invest their time, energy and money in shaping you because they are not sure whether you will stick with them forever or not and that they don’t want you to work forever. So if you take full charge of yourself, you have to educate and teach the things that matter to you.

Being ready to learn is the way to success in the 21st century and those who have created a habit to educate themselves are the masters of their lives. When you become ready and willing, you will automatically find ways to teach yourself. There is a great reward in life if you want to teach and instruct yourself than others.

“Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.” ~Mark Twain

Alwed Ekka

Choose To Learn As Much As You Can!

“Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.” Jim Rohn

Learning is never a finished chapter in life. Those who choose to learn always they grow and succeed in life rather than those who choose not to learn. Learning has brought humanity to this present stage and learning will take people to the future civilization too. It is your responsibility to make learning as your first priority. When learning stops, the life seems to halt. So better continue to learn as much as you can about anything that is very close to your hearth.

Leonardo da Vinci said, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” Your human mind will never age and become ineffective or obsolete. It will be very effective and active, when you use it more often. There is infinite power in learning and growing. You learn anything that you want at any age and any time. Your brain will never get tired, but you should be willing to learn all the time.

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education,” said Albert Einstein. The school and college education may actually interfere people in learning things that matter to them. For instance, a student may be very interested in arts and paintings or photography or computer but the schools and colleges have their own tight programs that the students won’t have enough time to spend with. The learning will be affected here if the student doesn’t divide his time for things that are close to him/her.

Bill Gates didn’t allow the schools and colleges to interfere his learning. His love for computer continued because he kept his learning alive and active. He never allowed it to be sidelined. He paid attention to it and pursued it till it became a huge success. This is what learning can do to people who are serious and responsible about turning their future into a successful one.

Always remember, Jim Rohn’s excellent quote on learning and he said it quite right that learning is the beginning of all wealth, health, happiness, success and relationship. If there is no learning, people won’t grow and won’t be progressive in life. Learning is very essential today to develop and become a valuable person. Learn as many things about as you can so that you can be successful in life. Don’t limit yourself and your learning. Let it expand and grow.

I would like to wind up by quoting Anthony Robbins has beautifully expressed what learning can do to a person. He said, “The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.” So choose to learn as much as you can about things that matter to you and you think will help you become what you want to be. Trust in your learning and it will pay you a handsome remuneration.

Alwed Ekka

Educate Yourself That The Earth Is Our Children’s Sweet Home!

Can you ever believe that children you love and take care of so much will not have a healthy and clean home- the earth by 2050. They won’t be able to afford a lifestyle that we are having today if we continue to exploit the natural resources at the maximum level.  Our natural resources which are meant to sustain human existence on this earth are being extracted mercilessly and without much consideration for ecology. If the process of extraction continues at present rate, then naturally our children whom we love and care so much, will be orphaned and homeless. How can you expect your own offspring to have no sweet home- the Earth?

The forests, water, fisheries, petroleum products, coal, iron and other materials are getting exhausted due to excessive exploitation. The forest cover areas are reduced, water resources are contaminated due to toxins from the factories, air is being polluted so much that people are contracting and affected by unknown diseases.  If this process persists for another 10 to 20 years, then our children will be denied their sweet home. They will be homeless, for earth may not be suitable for living.

The consumer goods that we buy are full of toxic chemicals. They are poisonous and hazardous to our health and children’s health but knowingly or unknowingly we use and consume them. The fragranced consumer products are everywhere today. People use them in order to enhance their beauty and appearance. This happens because the media has created a hype that toxic chemicals make people look beautiful and handsome. These people don’t know about the composition of these products, due to lack of prior study, complexity of formulations, and limitations and protections on ingredient disclosure. Experiments and analysis were done on common fragranced consumer products—laundry products, personal care products, cleaning supplies, and air fresheners and found that 24 are classified as toxic or hazardous under U.S. federal laws. You can check here for further information-http://www.sciencedirect.com.

There is a new school of thought which is based on sustainability, equity, green chemistry, zero waste, closed loop production, renewable energy and local living economies suggest that these things are possible to attain if the government acted seriously and strongly together with the ordinary citizens. The large companies are creating manufactured demand and as a result they go on creating consumer goods rather than a better education system, or lifestyle.

The present technology, innovation, breakthrough and research and developments should not follow their industrial age of thoughts and philosophy. The great scientists and technologists should design technology that are eco-friendly and cause no pollution. It is possible to innovate completely new kind of technology though many claim impossible. The government must play an active role in spearheading the project to save the earth and provide a future home to our children and grandchildren. If we don’t take care of things now for them, how can they take care of things for their future?

Many economists claim that human wants are unlimited and resources are limited but why don’t they suggest some ways to sustain the resources for generation to come? Actually human wants are limited, if we educate ourselves to decide what are important and required for living. The corporations go on producing goods to make human wants meet but they should produce things which are healthy and good for human existence.

I am bit concerned about the manner the earth is being treated by the powerful men and women in the name of making more profits. Why can’t we plan ways to live together and provide for all ecologically, materially and socially? I believe in the future, our children will laugh at our folishness and childish behaviours. Instead of taking care of all, we think of only our needs and well being. Why not think collectively and take care of people collectively so that there will be happiness, peace and harmony in the world?

Let’s educate ourselves to provide a sweet home to our children so that they can be proud of us, and be responsible themselves to leave a legacy for generations  and generations. Earth is powerful, beautiful and liveable for all mankind. It belongs to every one and not a few big organization. A few people have no rights and power to choose to endanger the entire humanity and human existence. They must consult every citizen of this world if they want to do something. There should be some systems set up in order to assess all public voices to avoid mistakes. The earth belongs to all and so every one is responsible and important in saving our children’s sweet home. Let’s act now before it is too late.

Alwed Ekka

Model Successful People To Educate Yourself!

Igniting quote
“No man is capable of self-improvement if he sees no other model but himself.” — Conrado I. Generoso

Igniting question
Are you the benchmark for your own growth and development or do you follow your successful predecessors examples to measure your ladder of success?

Igniting discourse
You might have heard or been told that you are unique and special. Nobody is like you. Your countenance, character, and physic are unique. You are not the same as any body you meet.

Well it is true you are really unique. However a question that arises here is who is your role model? Who do you think and dream about becoming or what do you dream of achieving? If you are your own role model, then well you know what you have become and accomplished by now. You must pick up some ideas and inspirations from others so that you can easily educate yourself.

To be successful, rich, healthy and happy you must model those who have already achieved them and have become real examples. What anyone has done you can do as well. You only need to model and follow them. You can certainly be sure to excel in that field. Learn from them as much as you can learn from yourself.

Prior to Bill Gates becoming a billionaire in computer business, the computer already existed. Bill Gates only modeled them and followed in spirit and commitment. Likewise, other software giants modeled and followed them later and they too became as you know very successful. You can educate and reinvent yourself to become successful in your endeavours.

After two people scaled the Mount Everest successfully, many others modeled and followed them and they too achieved their goals. Similarly after one skyscraper in a city, many other skyscrapers are being built. After Wright Brothers, many people followed making airplanes.

After one graduate student obtains the highest marks in the examination, you can easily predict today how many will follow the trend. In the sporting events if one athlete holds a record, many others will be in that shoe by breaking the records. These are learnable skills so by observing others you can easily model and learn from them.

If one ordinary person who dropped out of school and started his own multinational company, there will be thousands of entrepreneurs following the pioneer’s footsteps. It becomes an easy job to do when somebody has already done something that you want to do.

The point is very simple and clear. If you want to be successful, develop, grow or thrive in life, you just need to model not only yourself but others who have already walked the same road as you want and you will be guaranteed success if you follow and do as they did.

Igniting sentences
1. I model and follow the successful people in full spirit and commitment.

2. I see and imagine them all the time to be like them.

3. I am unique and I can be a model for others.

4. I can thrive in life as others have excelled.

5. I educate myself by learning from others.


Alwed Ekka



You Better Teach Yourself Becasue Nobody Will Teach You Anything!

“They will present some information to you, but it is entirely 100% up to you to either make the most of it, or waste your time here, and go home and get a normal dumb job.” Derek Sivers

Parents and guardians send their children to schools and colleges thinking that teachers will teach what children really need to learn and that the students will be able to qualify to succeed in life. I don’t know how much this belief really comes true. As far as my experience goes, it doesn’t really work that way. The schools and colleges don’t really teach anything worthwhile because they teach general subjects which don’t correspond to students’ interests and aspirations. So there is a big gap as a result the schools and colleges are not able to connect to the students.

When the schools re-open, the children get excited and parents too feel so happy that their children are going to learn some important things for life. But the intention is never like that. The teachers fail to teach anything that a student wants to learn and develop their skills. Therefore the best thing you can do is you have to teach yourself. What are you interested and what are your aspirations? You better teach yourself about your aspiration and interest because other than you nobody fully knows what exactly you want to accomplish in your life.

Bill Gates had a deep desire for computer. His aspiration was to develop computer software and he didn’t rely on his teachers to teach him about it. They provided him some general information but it was his personal interest and desire that led him to teach himself. He went after his interest and aspiration. His college didn’t understand his aspiration much but he understood and dropped out of the college half way and committed his entire time and energy in learning and teaching himself. This is what I mean when I say you must teach yourself because nobody will teach you anything pertaining to your individual interest and aspirations.

Thomas Edison is another great example to illustrate. He didn’t quite well do in his studies at schools and his teachers didn’t think he was a bright student. They failed to teach him what he wanted. You know he didn’t rely on his teachers to teach him anything that he wanted to accomplish in life. Instead he decided to teach himself and undertook his own research and development to have many inventions patented. This was possible for him despite many failures because he took upon the responsibility to teach himself about his interests and aspirations.

Wright Brothers too didn’t depend on others to teach them what they wanted to accomplish during their lifetime. They decided to teach themselves. They did their own experiment and calculation. Because they relied on themselves to pursue their dreams, they succeeded in realizing their purpose. They saw the possibility of humans flying and they succeeded in finding ways to fly better than birds. If they hadn’t taught themselves to go after their interests and aspirations, there would not have been any flying objects today.

So likewise, if you want to succeed in life, you must teach yourself because nobody will teach you anything. You know your interests and aspirations so you alone can feed all the information and knowledge. So better teach yourself to accomplish what you desire to be, do, have and enjoy. Mother Teresa taught herself to take care of unwanted children, Mahatma Gandhi taught himself to use non-violence for India’s freedom, Martin Luther King Jr. taught himself to dream where there would be no racism and Oprah taught herself to be a role model for many women who go through severe social injustice and humiliation. So you can easily teach yourself what you want to do and become in life.

Alwed Ekka


Educate Yourself Why 3% People Control 97% Of The Wealth?

The schools and colleges don’t teach children why 3% of population control 97% of the wealth? Instead schools and colleges teach children to compete for 3% of wealth. It is a tragedy today in the world that 97% of population in the world work 40 hours a week for 3% wealth. The 3% rich know the secret that 97% don’t know and even if they know, they don’t take action.

There are many reasons why 97% of population struggle day and night working for few dollars though they work for more hours. Many parents send their children to schools only to learn how to read, write and do maths. The schools never teach children about financial education. They don’t teach about money, which is very important in their lives but the schools seem to be okay with this despite high tuition fees. So you should be aware of the reality what is going on in the world and who controls the whole world’s financial market?

It is important that you educate yourself about money and ways to attract it. Money or wealth is perceived differently by different groups of people. There are three groups of people in the world. The broke or poor people, the middle class and the rich and each spend their money in a different way. The way they earn and spend money makes them either poor, middle class or rich. The poor people or broke buy stuffs from discount sales. You can hear very often from their mouths, “buy this and buy that.” They always want to buy with little money or no money they have. These people don’t educate themselves at all and they won’t be able to change their status as long as they hold on to their old habits. Their habits will never die because it is very strong by now.

On the hand, the middle class people buy liabilities. They too love doing purchases. They visit showrooms and buy cars, LCD, Iphones, holiday packages and club membership though they have not enough to pay for all. These people earn a decent salary, but mostly all of that money goes to the expenses and not to investment columns. These people hardly think of investing in cash generating opportunities. For them, the high status and prestige is very important in society. They say proudly that they are working for so and so companies and that their salary is high enough but they don’t know half of their salary goes to the tax payment. They don’t know the government takes away a greater part of their salaries in the form of professional taxes, income taxes etc. These things no body teaches in the schools and colleges.

The other group is rich class. They know how to own 97% of wealth and they don’t necessarily buy stuff or liabilities. They buy assets that generate money for them every day or every week or every month without their presence. These people know how to make use of various leverages and they are well educated in terms of money and financial laws and terms. They invest and acquire assets such as business, real estates, education, personally monitored stocks and bonds.

It is better that you educate yourself so that you can be included in 3% population to enjoy 97% of the wealth. There is a great new world waiting for you if you want to be in that 3%. However it will take a ton of education to change all the negative programmings that you receive everyday. The schools and colleges won’t help you do that, you can learn by yourself or from some mentors. Educate yourself now that you know why 3% people control 97% of wealth in the world and how you can be in 3% group as well.

Alwed Ekka